Friday, September 17, 2010

We Interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin...

Well, everyone, I am back in New York and enjoying my stay!  I've already had Thai at Siam Grill, my favorite Thai restaurant.  I've already had a Pecanbon and Coldstone Creamery Ice Cream.  Only things left for me that are a MUST while I'm here is a trip downtown to Rice to Riches, and a Trip Uptown to Spanish Harlem for some yummy Puerto Rican food and Sesame Seed or Tamarind (or maybe one of each!) drink.

Ya know...I can't imagine how in the world we ever got along without the internet.  I know we did....but wow!  How disconnected to do I feel at my mom's, where there's no wireless (or other) connection?  I have to sit in the lobby of the building to be close enough to a wireless connection from the Starbucks just a few dozen feet away from me.  Not that I can spend much time down there, since I can't connect the computer down there either.  I feel so isolated!

It didn't help that I also needed access to a printer and passport pictures for my Visa.   Well thanks to Walgreens Pharmacy at Times Square I got the pictures I needed (even printed out a few of my honey, myself and the kidlets to leave with mom).  Thanks to FedEx Office on 47th off of 6th Avenue, I was able to not only print the items I still needed to print, but I was able to ship it all in one shot.

I decided to overnight it to the Company that I hired to help me with my Visa.  This way I could make sure it was received.  So I shipped it Wednesday for Delivery on Thursday.  They say that the 15 days starts the day after they receive all of your documents.  I just checked the Status online and it says that they still haven't received my documents.  I checked FedEx and, sure enough, it was signed for yesterday.  I don't have time or room for it to sit around, so I went online to their chat. 

They helped me and located my documents and have confirmed that they are, indeed, in.  But the local office wasn't picking up the phone, so they asked me to check back after 4pm.  I'm glad that they do acknowledge that my documents have arrived.  It may just be a case of not having updated the status files for the day.  But I am counting on today being day 1.  And even with that, I only have 14 days before I leave, unless they are counting Saturdays now.

So I'm on a new set of worries at this point in time.  If I'm missing something I need to know now, today.  But for now I'm crossing my fingers that I gave enough info and documentation to back it up.

Till next time!

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