Monday, August 9, 2010


Alright, that's enough of me trying to recreate famous speeches by British Queens.

You may be wondering what the hell was I drinking when I decided to go so far away from either of my islands (NY and PR).  There's a four letter word for that.  Love.

Yes, I loves me a Brit.  And I'm not going to go into how that all happened.  Let's just say - there may be a movie on Lifetime, one day.  But!  I love my honey, and honey comes with kids on the weekend.  And since I don't have kids yet, there was no way I was going to yank him across the pond.  I couldn't do that to him or them.  No way.

So here I am, on an extended vacation at the moment but marriage is on the horizon.  And I'm already tired of people asking me "How's London?". was still there last time I heard on the news.  But I wouldn't know cause I LIVE THREE HOURS AWAY!!!!!    

OY! ::facepalm::

England is NOT London.  And yeah, you think a New Yorker wouldn't go anywhere but London.  Well let me let you in on a little secret:  This New Yorker doesn't want to live anywhere near London.  Or Manchester for that matter.  I like it right in my town, not too far from Nottingham.

Yes, ladies and gents, I moved to Sherwood friggin Forest and I'm loving it.

I think of it as the Nottingham's Westchester :grin: and since I lived up North about 40 minutes from NY for the last 7 years of my life, the change has been pretty seamless.  But let me tell you, I'm still in shock, no matter how well I've adjusted.  Here are some of the topics I'll be covering soon.

1.  FOOD! ::wail:: My kingdom for some Goya products!
2. WTH!?  Am I the ONLY one with curly hair up in this place?!
3. FOOD!  Hey! Your food doesn't suck!
4. Why no....I'm NOT Hawaiian...
5. What do you MEAN an hour each way is to far for 3 plantains!?  We're talking PLANTAINS!!!
6. Ok....if its a 'cubed steak' in the states...what's that called over here?
7. Its not that I don't want you to understand what I tell my Godmother...I just haven't spoken in Spanish for so long!
8. Damn this time zone difference!!!

Till then!


  1. CUCHI! What a great idea, answer to all the questions I was having, and then some. So far I am loving it.

    Congratulations on your new life, Best to both of you, Maria G

  2. I can't wait to read your blog # 7!!!

    talking to me (your godmother) in Spanish......using SKYPE!!!!! Now I know why everytime we talk your honey is in the background walking from one side of the room to the other and out of the bedroom!!!! LOL!
